Cole Hatter

Business Machine 032 – Cole Hatter of Thrive

Today on the Business Machine we have Cole Hatter. Cole is an entrepreneur, investor, author, and award-winning speaker. 


Coles greatest passion is giving a platform to educate and helping others. In 10 years, Cole will be producing movies, continuing Thrive, traveling and spending time with his family.

Learning From Our Mistakes: 

 Cole states that a mistake he notices other entrepreneurs make when starting a business is being confused on the difference between busy and productive. If you are busy with your business without obtaining revenue you are not being productive.


Quote — “The truth is that you can spend your life any way you want, but you can spend it only once.”
Book — Thinking For A Change by John C. Maxwell and Whats The Secret? by John DiJulius
Tech/App — Google Calendar
Eat With — Henry Ford

Social Media— ColeHatter


That his time made a difference and mattered to others continuing even after he is gone.