Dave Jackson is an award-winning podcaster who has been podcasting since 2005.
He is a featured/keynote speaker at events, author of the book “More Podcast Money,” and has served as the Director of Podcasting for the New Media Expo.
He also works at Libsyn.com, the largest Podcast Media Hosting Company in the world.
He is best known for founding the School of Podcasting and helping hundreds of podcasters launch successful podcasts.
Mission: Dave focuses on helping people create their own podcasts by focusing on why they should start their podcast and how they should do so.
Mistake: He wishes he hadn’t put as much effort on his early website without researching to see if anyone else was doing something similar at the time, thus realizing too late that others were doing similar and doing it better. He also wishes he hadn’t bought a very good radio microphone without learning at first how it picks up every tiny sound, and thus never uses it.
Quote: “If you act the way you wanna be, someday you will be the way you act.”
Books: Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, Will It Fly?
Eat With: Henry Ford
Contact: SchoolOfPodcasting.com
Legacy: He hopes to have helped further podcasting as a pioneer who had fun while he was doing it, while also believing in value and integrity.